Changing organizational structure – not as you thought

An organization usually strives for a strong and stable organizational structure that gives a sense of security to those who are in it.

Most people strive for stability, and stability means permanent and predictable structures over time.

But what happens when an organizational structure that was good for a certain time no longer supports a person, a team, or an organization? How do you know there is a problem with the organizational structure? And if it does not fit, what does fit? And how will the appropriate structure be found?

Usually, when a new organizational structure is needed, the organization will look for a structure that worked before, in another place, because what worked elsewhere should work for us as well. But what happens when the ‘imported’ structure requires from the organization an alignment that does not correspond to who it is anymore (cultural, historical, and managerial).

The result of such a move will be resentment, tensions, difficulty in optimal conduct that will necessitate further change in a relatively short period of time, and again, a search for a new structure …

Reality does not discipline to existing structures. It challenges them morning and evening, and the more a challenged structure will not be intelligent enough to change according to reality, the more tensions will be created.

In the corridors of different organizations, you can hear quite a bit of talk about change and change processes, reorganization, and cleaning of shelves. An existing situation that cannot continue and something needs to happen …

If an organization is not smart to change with reality over time, it may reach a general crisis whose experience is chaos – dissolution.

The process in the constellations creates a space where the structure can completely disintegrate in a way of ‘living simulation’ until a new order, a new structure appears. This is not an ‘imported’ structure but one that is born out of an organic process that is revealed through the intelligence of the organization and the people in it. The process simulates the organizational structure with the help of representations in space. The structures being tested have never been more tangible and may give a pretty good sense of their feasibility and how the various factors in the organization will respond to them